Sunday, 19 June 2011

Bad English Bear and Gardening

The page on the left is my response to the polite notice about towels that Travel Lodges leave in their bathrooms. Their advertising features a fat little bear with a gold chain, enjoying his stay in a Travel Lodge, and he is on posters and notices around the place. This bathroom notice is written in very sloppy English and whenever I read it I feel annoyed!

"We always try and do our bit for the planet.

If you don't need you towels washing, be good and leave them on the rail.

If you would like fresh towels, just pop them in the bath tub so we know."

Aside from the bad grammar, they give you new towels anyway, even if you do leave them on the rail. Aaargh!! I do worry that I am getting annoyed over something very minor, but that is the way it is!

The other page is in contrast to the angry one, in that it is about calming gardening, and how there are lots of deliciously scented things in my garden which I love. The central part is on an envelope window-gouache paint scraped into. I had a lovely evening gardening and I listed all the scented plants around the edge.
Aaah, calm down Sarah!


lilylovekin said...

Gardening calms the savage beast!!! Have a good day.

lynne h said...

i'm smiling at it all, sarah... : ) xoxo