Wednesday 20 July 2011

Rainbow 'Broidery Box

The page on the left is based on the quote about a 'broidery box' of the character's mother's-her 'rainbow box' which Sounds lovely. Coincidentally I have recently bought a 'rainbow box' of my own-there were three in the charity shop and I was good-I only bought one! It is full of little wound cards of embroidery silk, and as well as being useful, is a thing of beauty in itself. The lady's rainbow hair is made from a cut up pogo print of the box.

The page on the right is notes of what the children said and what happened when I showed them a dead blackbird at Forest School last week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I obtained a 'broidery box' myself years ago from my former sister-in-law, and it is a rainbow thing of beauty inside (although only a humble plastic container without). Love the drawing. xxoo, sus